The Ultimate Auto Repair Shop Recruitment Kit

Everything you need to find and hire the perfect person for your auto repair shop (technicians and service advisors who are actually great for your company culture)! Just $7 plus GST!

Sometimes, the littlest tweaks to your hiring process can make all the difference between success & failure...

  • This recruitment guide and checklist template kit shows you exactly how to get rid of toxic employees, and set up the processes to hire great ones!
  • I'll share the exact processes I used, and my clients now use,  to write great job ads, screen candidates effectively, negotiate on pay, and make sure the great technicians and service advisors stay with you for years to come! (without wasting heaps of time!)
  • Not only that but I will also show you how to delegate large parts of the hiring process to your team!
  • I’ll even show you what questions to ask in your interviews (to help you weed out the undesirables)
  • 4 more FREE bonuses PLUS: an exclusive list of the 5 major  mistakes most auto repair shop owners make when hiring (avoid these!)

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